Shoulder tendonitis discomfort builds up caused by an inflammation of the tendons of the rotator cuff


muscles. Healing this problem must not be left to chance meaning you should seek advice from your MD plus a certified physical therapist if the pain isn’t improving in a week or two. This article will talk about reasons behind this condition and just what you can do about it.

Tendonitis on the shoulder may develop because of an overuse type activity. This can often happen when doing extended activities overhead. Lifting weighted objects that stress your muscles and tendons over and above their capacities can also result in this issue. Occupations that need one to use your arms overhead predispose you to tendonitis. Sport activities including baseball, volleyball, basketball as well as others additionally put you at risk for this.

The signs of shoulder tendonitis include pain in the upper arm, usually above the elbow. Sometimes you won’t feel pain specifically in the shoulder itself which in turn confuses people that have a rotator cuff problem. The source of the pain is the tendon and it refers pain in to the upper arm. The signs and symptoms may be constant or intermittent. They may be aggravated with overhead activities, pushing or pulling activities. The pain could be felt during the day and at night time while sleeping. Movement of the arm becomes limited if the pain becomes serious.

If you are developing shoulder tendonitis pain then you should quit any activity that seems to worsen your pain. Resting the tendon at this point is important. You can take some over-the-counter anti-inflammatories to help calm the inflammation. In the event the discomfort does not decrease within a week it is best to speak to your physician to have an examination. A tendonitis not treated is likely to worsen and result in more serious problems like a tear or frozen shoulder.

Based on the results of the examination your doctor performs he could prescribe a stronger anti-inflammatory, recommend a cortisone injection or prescribe physical therapy. Typically a cortisone shot doesn’t have to be performed immediately. A well structured exercise routine from the physical therapist and medication will go a long way in resolving your pain.

Over time using medication together with the recommended workouts if your signs and symptoms are not resolving it might be time to try a cortisone injection. This may help relieve some of your symptoms. If it doesn’t your doctor may order an MRI to examine the soft tissue structures on the shoulder to see the extent of the injury.

Shoulder tendonitis pain can be treated successfully by getting to the source of the symptoms. The tendon is the system which was irritated due to another issue.

Visit for comprehensive information about tendonitis treatment and joint pain relief.