Not too long ago, when I had been attending a marketing class, I had to stop writing, because my arm hurt too much – this felt just like a throbbing toothache. By the following day, my entire forearm was red and swollen. I went to a doctor, then a physiotherapist, and discovered I had wrist tendonitis, that is known as tenosynovitis.

Wrist tendonitis is a common form of RSI (repetitive strain injury), and it is very common amongst people who use computers, along with athletes, and anyone who carries out exactly the same things every single day. Tendons join your muscles to your bones, where there are many muscles in your wrists.

Tendonitis takes place when the tendons become inflamed, with wrist tendonitis commonly only one tendon is swollen, however two or more may be involved.

What To Do When You Have Wrist Tendonitis

As a starting point, go and see your physician for the definite diagnosis. A physician may send you for physiotherapy, or he may give you some workouts to do. He may recommend that you rest your injury, which is critical.

Nonetheless, it’s impossible to relax your wrists totally. You will need your hands and arms for everything you do. So if the pain’s very bad, make use of a wrist splint for a few days, until the inflammation subsides. Wrist splints are usually easily available. The splint supports your wrist while the tendon recuperates.

I’ve found that icing is incredibly efficient. Each time I get a recurrence, I ice my wrist by wrapping an ice bag around my wrist and forearm for a couple minutes every hour or so. This absolutely helps, and the inflammation goes down sooner than it does without treatment.

Once the swelling and pain are gone – this usually takes a few days – start exercising your shoulders, arms and wrists.

Wrist Exercises – Try out Hand Weights And Yoga

You need to use the exercises the therapist has given you, due to the fact everyone’s different. Nonetheless, I have found that lifting weights with small hand weights works well with me. I take advantage of the hand weights every day. I additionally carry out some yoga stretches each day. I’m convinced that this combination keeps my tendonitis at bay.

Staying Pain Free With Wrist Tendonitis

Most wrist tendonitis traumas are totally treatable with rest and exercise. I am aware that so long as I remember to perform my stretching and weight lifting exercises, wrist tendonitis stays away. If I’m foolish enough to forget to do my workout routines, it returns.

So if you’re currently suffering wrist tendonitis, try the RICE treatment (rest, ice, compression, elevation), then make sure to do your workout routines daily, and you never need to have a repeat.

Head to for complete information about tendonitis treatment and joint pain relief.