The bones and muscles would be the primary parts that give the body a framework. Now, these two need to be connected to one another of course. If not, your body will be wobbly because the bones are scattered about enveloped in thick muscles. The purpose of connecting your muscles to the bones, for that reason, is very important. This is actually the task designated to the tendons. Because of their essential role in the body, you need to always take care of your tendons so they wouldn’t be affected by conditions like tendonitis.

Tendonitis is the swelling of your tendons. It could happen to any tendon in any part of your body. You have to understand how tendonitis can occur so you would be able to avoid it.

Among the frequent causes of tendonitis is really overuse. Just like any other area of the body, the tendons are prone to tiring and tearing when they are used more often than what they are capable of. This is just what occurs in cases of golfer’s elbow or suitcase elbow, medically called as medial epicondylitis. Movements which are demanding and repetitive do not give the tendons ample time to rest and recover until eventually, they get swollen.

One other reason behind tendonitis is bad blood flow or restrained blood circulation for the tendons. This is associated with the first cause, and that is excessive use. When you overuse your tendons, they have the tendency to tear. Should this happen, they need to be able to heal themselves each time to restore their functioning state. But this cannot successfully occur if they do not acquire ample amount of blood. Without enough blood, the restoration may take longer and the damage can become worse until finally they cannot be cured in a natural way anymore.

Lastly and the graver cause of tendonitis is trauma caused by injuries. They can be caused in sports activities along with other physically activities like running, jumping and fast walking. Stretching the tendons excessively can also result in swelling. This is why it is crucial that you do not overwork the body because it can affect even the smallest parts such as the tendons.

Tendonitis, thankfully, can be treated with medical procedures. You can check out these types of methods by consulting a physician or better yet trusted osteopath. But just as always, prevention is actually deemed much better than cure. So try to avoid tendonitis when you can to keep your body healthy always.

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